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What Are In The Palace?

Simit ...

It can be considered new for the UK, even the Oxford dictionary officially adopted in 2019 (a type of bread often coated with molasses and covered in sesame seeds, originating in Turkey) but a real tasty flavor to Turkey for centuries ... We know that Simit goes best with brewed tea and cheese. So, should we just be content with it? Never...

We should have presented our handmade colorful sandwiches, you should have tasted the sweetest desserts prepared by our master chef and you should have had a variety of coffees, such as Turkish coffee ☕️

Legendary bakery products, such as borek and acma, should have reached your plates from our oven. Most importantly, we should have seen your smiling face at the breakfast and at the end of your order reaching your home ...

Yes, we did them all and more ??

We promise to overcome these difficult days together and we will welcome you in our shop in more delicious days.

Simit Palace,
on behalf of your best deli-order

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